I wanted to learn how to build an RPM package out of a Python module so, now that I’m playing a bit with OpenStack, I decided to pick up a log merger for OpenStack files and build the corresponding package on my Fedora 24.

First thing is to setup the distribution with the right packages:

[root@localhost ~]$ dnf install @development-tools fedora-packager
[dani@localhost ~]$ rpmdev-setuptree
[dani@localhost ~]$ ls rpmbuild/

Now, under the SPECS directory, we need to create the spec file which will include the necessary info to build the RPM:

%global srcname os-log-merger
%global	sum	OpenStack Log Merger

Name:		python-%{srcname}
Version:	1.0.6
Release:	1%{?dist}
Summary:	%{sum}

License:	Apache
URL:		https://github.com/mangelajo/os-log-merger/
Source:         https://pypi.python.org/packages/6f/f1/b2a46907086c29725dd0e2296d6f45e7965670a05b43626abc1c81a098a0/os-log-merger-%{version}.tar.gz

BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{srcname}-%{version}-build
BuildArch:	noarch
BuildRequires:	python2

A tool designed to take a bunch of openstack logs across different projects, and merge them in a single file, ordered by time entries

%package -n %{srcname}
Summary:	%{sum}
%{?python_provide:%python_provide python2-%{srcname}}

%description -n %{srcname}
A tool designed to take a bunch of openstack logs across different projects, and merge them in a single file, ordered by time entries

%autosetup -n %{srcname}-%{version}


%{__python2} setup.py test

%files -n %{srcname}
#%license LICENSE
%doc README.rst

* Tue Jul 19 2016 dani - 1.0.6-1
- First version of the os-log-merger-package

Once the file is created, it’s time to build the RPM package:

[dani@localhost SPECS]$ rpmbuild -bb os-log-merger.spec 
+ umask 022
+ cd /home/dani/rpmbuild/BUILD
+ cd os-log-merger-1.0.6
+ /usr/bin/rm -rf /home/dani/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/python-os-log-merger-1.0.6-1.fc24.x86_64
+ exit 0
[dani@localhost SPECS]$ ls -alh ../RPMS/noarch/
total 44K
drwxr-xr-x. 2 dani dani 4,0K jul 19 20:35 .
drwxr-xr-x. 3 dani dani 4,0K jul 19 20:35 ..
-rw-rw-r--. 1 dani dani  34K jul 19 20:47 os-log-merger-1.0.6-1.fc24.noarch.rpm

We can see that the rpmbuild command produced the RPM file inside ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch. Let’s pull the info from it and check whether it’s correct:

[dani@localhost SPECS]$ rpm -qip ../RPMS/noarch/os-log-merger-1.0.6-1.fc24.noarch.rpm 
Name        : os-log-merger
Version     : 1.0.6
Release     : 1.fc24
Architecture: noarch
Install Date: (not installed)
Group       : Unspecified
Size        : 85356
License     : Apache
Signature   : (none)
Source RPM  : python-os-log-merger-1.0.6-1.fc24.src.rpm
Build Date  : mar 19 jul 2016 20:47:42 CEST
Build Host  : localhost
Relocations : (not relocatable)
URL         : https://github.com/mangelajo/os-log-merger/
Summary     : OpenStack Log Merger
Description :
A tool designed to take a bunch of openstack logs across different projects, and merge them in a single file, ordered by time entries

The last step is trying to install the actual file and execute the module to see if everything went fine:

[root@localhost noarch]$ rpm -qa | grep os-log-merger
[root@localhost noarch]$ rpm -i os-log-merger-1.0.6-1.fc24.noarch.rpm 
[root@localhost noarch]$ oslogmerger 
usage: oslogmerger [-h] [-v] [--log-base  LOG_BASE]
                   [--log-postfix  LOG_POSTFIX] [--alias-level ALIAS_LEVEL]
                   [--min-memory] [--msg-logs file[:ALIAS] [file[:ALIAS] ...]]
                   [--timestamp-logs file[:ALIAS] [file[:ALIAS] ...]]
                   log_file[:ALIAS] [log_file[:ALIAS] ...]
