Month: October 2010

FPGA – Actel ProASIC3 First Steps

I want to show you how easy is to start playing around with FPGAs. The following example is based on the Actel A3P250 Devel board programmed with the microJTAG board.

The idea is simple: we’re going to design a PWM module and make the on-board leds flashing at different rates. The RTL design of the PWM module is shown in the picture below:

PWM component RTL

Let’s have a look at the components inside the PWM module:

PWM Module RTL

As you can see the 10-bit PWM module has got one register, a 10-bit counter and one comparator. To test our module, I’ll write a simple VHDL code:

-- test.vhd
library IEEE;

entity example2 is
    Port (

                LEDS:out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
                CLK_in: in STD_LOGIC;
                RESET_in: in STD_LOGIC

end example2;

architecture Behavioral of example2 is

component pwm is
    Port (

        CLK_in:     in std_logic;
        PWM_in:     in std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
        PWM_load:   in std_logic;
        PWM_reset:  in std_logic;
        PWM_out :   out std_logic

end component;

      signal counter: natural range 0 to 48000;
      signal result: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (9 downto 0);
      signal pwmout: STD_LOGIC;
      signal clk_div: std_logic;


    pwm1 : pwm port map ( CLK_in => CLK_in, PWM_in => result,
 PWM_load => '1', PWM_reset => not RESET_in,
 PWM_out => pwmout);

         if (RESET_in='0') then

            counter <= 0;
            clk_div <= '0';

        elsif (CLK_in'event and CLK_in='1')    then

            if (counter = 47999) then
                clk_div <= not clk_div;
                counter <= 0;
               counter <= counter + 1;

            end if;
        end if;

    end process;

    process(clk_div, result)
        if (clk_div'event and clk_div='1')    then
            result <= result + 1;
        end if;

    end process;

    LEDS <= (others => pwmout);

end Behavioral;

The frequency divider makes the ‘result’ signal increment every 48K*2 ticks of the main clock (24MHz). The ‘result’ signal is connected to the input of the PWM module which will load its value every time it changes because the LOAD signal is always ‘1’.

The result will be that every 4ms, the PWM input will increment by 1 from 0 to 1023 (10 bit value). The PWM output – which is connected to all LEDs in the  board – will take all values after 4 seconds and the cycle will repeat continuously.

You can download the whole source code from the link below:

VHDL Source code

The A3P250 Devel kit was a present from my friend Ajo and I want to thank him for such a nice board 🙂


CRJET 2010 International Robotics Competition

Last 8th October took place the 3rd edition of the CRJET International Robotics Competition in Cataluña.

Silvestre was the WINNER of the Line Following Robots category. During the qualifying session in the morning, Silvestre set the fastest time, completing 3 laps to the 11.752 meters track in 14.02 seconds (2.5m/s average speed). Piolin – Silvestre’s little brother – made the second best time at qualifying but had some issues and got a final 3rd place losing against Shibuya in the Semifinal round.

CRJET 2010 Qualifying results    CRJET 2010 Track

Its revolutionary positioning system allowed Silvestre to identify the main straight and to speed up to 4.8 m/s. Thanks to its inertial sensors and the wheel encoders, Silvestre could brake at the right point reaching the corner at a safe speed. This strategy had not been seen in any Line Follower competitions so far making Silvestre look even more impressive.

 Silvestre Highlights (the slow motion part is very cool 😉 )

Final Race, Silvestre VS Shibuya:

For the next contests, the challenge is to make another key improvement to keep Silvestre on the top of the podium.

Also, Tobias was awarded with the “Most High-Tech” prize in the “Best of Show” category so it was a pretty successful weekend 🙂
